Reports reveal DNA left on one of the cords strung across a bike path on Madison’s west side eventually led to the arrest of a
suspect. Madison police announced Tuesday that Curtis Tessmer was arrested in connection with the case. On
Wednesday, he was charged with four counts of recklessly endangering safety. The criminal complaint alleges one man
found three of the cords hung on the walking bridge over the Cannon Ball Path and Capital City Trail. The man fell off his bike
after the first cord hit him in the neck. Authorities identified Tessmer as a suspect in October 2022 after sending a DNA
profile developed from one of the knotted ends of the cords to the Wisconsin State Crime Lab. The DNA was linked to Tessmer.
Madison man charged with 4 counts of recklessly endangering safety for cords strung on bike path
By Mark Evenstad
Apr 6, 2023 | 3:33 PM