The upcoming biopic Michael Jackson, called simply Michael, has reportedly encountered significant legal issues requiring a major overhaul. The producers must rewrite and reshoot the film after lawyers discovered a clause in a settlement with one of Jackson’s former accusers that prohibits mentioning or dramatizing the accuser’s story in the movie — but that story is apparently a major part of the third act. Despite the reports of chaos, a source close to the production insists that the film is moving forward, with the reshoots planned for March. Originally set for an April 2025 release, the movie has been postponed to October 2025. The movie, co-produced by the Jackson estate, stars Jaafar Jackson in the lead role and is directed by Antoine Fuqua. (People)
Michael Jackson Biopic Needs Major Reshoots After Discovery Of Legal Issue
Jan 26, 2025 | 6:01 PM