The City of Dubuque says that the demolition at the Historic Brewing and Malting site, which began in April, is now completed. The property that is currently owned by Cedar Rapids developer Steve Emerson is now up for sale at $1.5 million. 30th Street is now open to traffic. Brick and stone were salvaged privately from the buildings that were demolished. The city says that Emerson has not submitted any plans to them about redevelopment for the site. His original plan was to convert the historic buildings into apartments and commercial space. If the site is purchased, the City of Dubuque says converting it into apartments would help with the housing need in the community. There is still a little bit of work that still needs to completed at the site, such as fixing the sidewalk and installing permanent fencing.
Brewing & Malting building demolition complete
Nov 20, 2024 | 11:46 AM